So it seems like some kind of unwritten rule that I'm going to update my blog once every semester. I really didn't mean to make this a habit... I honestly did think about updating on multiple occasions last semester. However:
Reasons I didn't:
1. Lazy
2. Busy
3. My life is only slightly more interesting than Spencer Pratt's
Legit reasons I didn't:
1. So I'd gotten various requests from people to update this, but it was always tacked on to - 'I enjoy how cynical it is'. As crazy as this may sound coming from me, I was almost bordering on happy last semester (I think it was the combination of no 8 ams, no chem courses, and way better time management). Thus, every time I would start a blog entry, I was always afraid I wouldn't be cynical enough to satisfy my similarly embittered friends. But not to worry, frienderinos! Seeing how this semester, I have 8 ams three times a week, organic chem, and am already way behind on schoolwork, I sense some major bitterness coming along.
2. All my friends have tumblr now. But honestly, I'm too fucking lazy to move and do the standard promoting. I mean seriously, I barely had enough motivation to move from xanga to blogspot. And that only happened after I realized that when I started xanga, cell phones were shaped like boxes and still came with Snake.
Yeah. Desperately needed to move on.
So hey, I hate this semester already, whoo!
My classes, in order from least hated to most - along with visual representations of my professors (who all seem to oddly resemble celebrities):
1. Microeconomics
I honestly don't know why this class is required for pre-pharmacy. But hey, I'm not complaining. Lil Romeo is in my class and is pretty hilariously douchey, and the professor seems really chill and nice. Not to mention, the hardest thing I've learned in lecture so far is using marginal decisions to pick between Cheesecake Factory and Burger King for dinner.
Makes my freshman year bio course look straight up Sherlock Holmes.
Freshman year of high school, I mean.
Professor =
2. Spanish 3
8 am. 2 hours. Peppy teacher. Constantly falling asleep. People laugh. Only Asian in the class.
(Which, incidentally, I think makes my prof think that I'm terrible at Spanish. She's constantly looking at me for reassurance that I understand what she's talking about. Like one time, she said "Tienemos una pausa en clase ahora", and I turned around to ask my friend "Did you go to the APO meeting on Monday?" or something. Wow. Cut to profesora instantly at my side saying in a slow helping-deaf-kid-type voice, "Una pausa. En clase. Si?" God, I half expected her to be like, "el break-o. Break-O. do you understando, el asian nina?" It doesn't help that her eyes are like bush babies -haha, Glee ref!- see pic to understand - er, understando).
Profesora =
3. TO Core 101
It took me all of 3 minutes to become excited for the course and then unexcited again as I remembered why I hated TO so much in the first place. Apparently, one semester away was enough to make me forget that 80% of all TO students I meet are completely full of themselves. It's like they rounded up all the annoying kids in high school who would use multiple SAT words while constantly participating in class and then named that group Thematic Option. Also I am allowed to say this, considering I am still a TO student.
Professor =
4. O-Chem
... ugh. that's all.
1 comment:
Yay! I'm happy that you updated your blog jess :D
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