Thursday, July 2, 2009

Freshman Year in 3 paragraphs

I forgot I had a blog. Update, update, update!
So most importantly, school's over. Since I've been MIA for like 5 months and too much has happened to fully blog about, I thought I'd just sum up my first year of college in a couple of key phrases:

1. Yellow Fever -> Jungle Fever
This is self-explanatory. I blame this change on going to school in downtown L.A.
2. No Bio -> Mo' Bio
The ridiculous amount of biology I study becomes concerning when I use "immunoglobulin E" in everyday conversation. (true story.)
3. OMG a C?! -> OMG a C!
In one short year, I went from being an avid subscriber of the "Asian" grading system (A=average, B=bad, C=catastrophic, etc) to the "USC Science Major who can't Hang" grading system (A=absolutely unattainable, B=better make sure it's not a mistake, C=cry in relief, etc.)
4. Ah, celebs!! -> Eh, just celebs
So it's no secret that seeing famous people is pretty much like my passion in life. Before this year, my celebrity encounters were of the mild and C-list kind (seeing the mean chick from Sabrina at Wicked? Oooh, BFD). I'm glad to say that going to school in downtown LA does wonders for a celeb fanatic. My favorite celebrity sightings this year: Zac Efron and V.Hudge (not as slutty as I thought), Selena Gomez (I want to be her, so sue me), Kaba Modern (Yuri Tag still makes me question my straightness), Fanny Pak, Quest Crew, Sara Bareilles, Pharrell Williams (my attraction to this guy cancels out any confusion Yuri can throw at me). Oh and just for good Trojan measure: Mark Sanchez, T.Mays, Lil Romeo, DeMar DeRozan, Taj Gibson, and Daniel Hackett. I will avoid talking about how the last 3 (esp. the last) left SC and broke my heart forever. -deep breath- No, I'm not crying.
5. Healthy -> Asteriosclerosis
I ate a bag of Orville's butter popcorn every night for about 4 months.
Also? asteriosclerosis re: #2. FML.
6. Couch potato -> Couch potato
Ok, I'm still lazy. But at least I get up periodically now! Towards the end of the year, I biked around campus daily. (granted, the biking was to cup o' joy to buy boba, but it's progress.) And nobody believes me if they haven't seen me do so, but I also ran a mile a day! (my main motivation was avoiding biology)

So that sums up my freshman year.
Now introducing the segments that I feel like I can categorize all my future entries into:

1. Things I hate
2. Annoying things about myself
3. College Advice

Oh yeah, like I'm so sure I'm qualified to be giving advice on college. After this, let's go ask Miley Cyrus for voice lessons.

College Advice #1:
Something I've learned the hard way: don't drink caffeine at least 4 hours before you plan on going to sleep. UNLESS you have a morning exam/project to finish and you have at least 8 hours available and set aside the next day to spend KO'd. When is this rule most necessary to enforce? Oh, you know, perhaps when you have an afternoon class the next day in which there are only 14 other students, participation is vital, and you all sit in a circle so your every move (including crashing on your notebook and waking up with paper stuck to your face) is painfully obvious. Hypothetically. Of course.
In my case, my "caffeine" comes in the form of small boba green tea from cup o' joy.
If your name is Joanna, rule can be rewritten "Don't drink Diet Coke --"
And if you are a crazy TroHo, rule can be rewritten with "Don't take ritalin --"

College Advice #2:
Make friends at orientation. Don't assume that everyone is new and searching for friends on the first day of school. School starts at orientation. If you haven't made at least 2 friends that you've been talking to on facebook over the summer by move-in, you're already behind everyone. Plus, almost all the friends I made this year either lived on my floor or could be traced back to introductions by the friends I made at orientation. :)

College Advice #3:
Don't major in science. Check? Good.


Unknown said...

Don't major in science. Check? Good.

hahah.. nuff' said

Streets2480 said...

Thanks for the tips.Checkout my site @ when u can (=.